Frequently Asked Questions
Does Acupuncture work?
Yes, acupuncture works. It is an amazing form healing, which can some times relieve pain almost instantly. Not everyone reacts the same, ailments are as individual as the person is. Acute issues are quicker to treat, chronic issues can take time and patience. Muscle and skeletal issues can be easier and quicker relieve then internal issues.
How many Treatments are needed?
After the first treatment most people can tell if it will benefit them. It can take up to 6 treatments to effectively help most acute issues. When it comes to chronic issues there are many factors that come into play including lifestyle, medications, prior injuries, surgeries, age, and personal outlook on life. Chronic Issues can take a while, but it is worth it for the pain relief.
Does it hurt?
No, acupuncture does not hurt. Its meant to relieve pain not cause it, although the skin is a defense mechanism that likes to tell your brain everything that’s happening, there fore occasionally you will feel a bit of pinch that goes away very quickly. If there is any sharp pain after needle insertion I will adjust it so it goes away. Having heavy achiness or other odd sensations are normal for acupuncture.
How do I know if its working?
If your pain is muscular then a noticeable reduction more times then not occurs during the treatment. Same thing can happen for internal issues such as anxiety, but the real test will be between treatments for internal issues.
How does it work?
Acupuncture is based off of how the human body works and how it was formed in the womb. There is vast network of channels that connect every cell in the body from the internal organs to the hair and nails. When one or multiple channels become weak ailments begin to show up. Acupuncture is a way of externally manipulating healthy channels in the body to boost the weak channels.
How many needles are used?
This is very dependent on the issue at hand, but anywhere from 10-30, very occasionally more. The point is to make a difference and sometime some issues need just a few more needles to make the necessary changes for pain relief.
Are the needles big?
The length of the needles range from around .25 of and inch to 3 inches and about 30-40 could fit into your average hyperdermic needle.
Are there side effects?
No, not if you are getting acupuncture from a licensed acupuncturist, as opposed to getting dry needling from a certified non acupuncturist. The worst thing that can happen from a licensed acupuncturist is getting a bruise or if a very tight muscle is released it can be sore for up to 2 days, like you got a good work out.
What’s the difference between acupuncture and dry needling?
Dry needling is technically acupuncture, but it is administered by an individual who is only certified in using the acupuncture needles. The training they receive is very minimal compared to 4 yrs of training that the average licensed acupuncturist receives.
What do I treat the most?
I treat mostly muscular pain, especially back pain. Pain relief to some degree is usually felt within the first treatment.
What else can acupuncture treat?
Every single ailment can theoretically be treated because acupuncture is based off of the human body. Every symptom can be traced back to a root cause or location that can be manipulated. The world health organization has a growing list of things that can be treated by acupuncture including migraines, anxiety, muscular pains, to all kinds of digestive issues.
What’s the hardest thing to treat?
That depends on the issue, usually chronic issues caused by a serious injury need the most time.
Does everyone get relief?
I would say that about 9 out 10 people get some degree of relief. Most people do get good relief and 1 out of 10 may not feel any change.